We help associations in the field of education

We reduce socio-economic inequalities by supporting academic and vocational education.

Education transforms society as a whole

Our vision is to advance humanity toward a more peaceful and prosperous world. That's why our mission is to fund and support the most promising educational projects to reduce socio-economic inequalities around the world.

Discover our projects

We fund promising initiatives

We ensure the operational and logistic follow-up

We create synergies between all our projects

Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.

Nelson Mandela

An investment in professional and academic education has an impact on all other sectors and therefore generates an impact that will last for generations.

Ensure access to quality education for all and promote lifelong learning opportunities.

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Promote continuous, shared and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

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To eradicate poverty in all its forms and everywhere in the world.

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Ensure access for all to sustainably managed water and sanitation services.

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Reduce inequalities within and across countries.

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Semlex For Education Projects

Initiatives we support

Collectif Désistance


Be education

Maison des Enfants

Kokoon Getaway

Semlex Guinea-Bissau



St Jean Foundation

Finance your educational project

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Semlex and Education

Semlex is a Belgian company with extensive expertise in the development, integration, operational management and delivery of biometric identification systems that cover different aspects of population identification solutions.

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