Maison des Enfants

Maison des Enfants, created in 2016, is dedicated to responding to the problem of the vulnerability of children with disabilities. Whether these disabilities are congenital or arise as a result of various life events, the MdE is committed to offering short, medium and long-term assistance.

The project’s objectives

  • Essential school infrastructure: The creation of adapted infrastructure to ensure the school education of children with disabilities, thus guaranteeing an environment conducive to their educational development.
  • Environmental accessibility: The MoE will strive to create optimal conditions to ensure an accessible environment for disabled children beneficiaries, promoting their social inclusion.
  • Teacher training: An essential part of the project will consist of training the recruited teachers, equipping them with the necessary skills to supervise disabled children academically.

The beneficiaries of this action are disabled children aged 0 to 20, regardless of the type or form of their disability. La Maison des Enfants aspires to offer an inclusive, emancipatory education adapted to the specific needs of each child.

Semlex For Education is delighted with this collaboration with the Maison des Enfants and hopes to contribute significantly to the lives of children with disabilities by promoting their access to quality education. This partnership embodies our continued commitment to the education and well-being of children around the world.

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