Semlex is very pleased to announce a new partnership in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) with the Mbeka Foundation.

The Foundation 🐝 👩🏿🌾

The Mbeka Foundation aims to train young people in sustainable agriculture and beekeeping. This training is theoretical and practical, which has a double positive impact:

The young trainees have a real field experience, which can be valued on the labor market
The work of the trainees increases the agricultural production of the foundation. The profits from the sale of agricultural products will finance the theoretical training of the trainees. In the long term, the objective of the foundation is to become financially self-sufficient.

The Semlex – Mbeka Partnership 🤝

The partnership between the foundation and Semlex For Education is directed towards the sustainable beekeeping project. Semlex has funded the expansion of the sustainable beekeeping project.

To learn more, we invite you to visit the presentation of the project on our website in the projects section by clicking HERE.

If you are interested in the foundation, do not hesitate to contact them via their page by clicking HERE.


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