
The HuNeeds project was born in late 2017 as a result of discussions with experts, deep research, and multiple experiences. Two key findings could be drawn regarding the homeless sector.

First, as a result of their life course, low self-esteem and devaluation is a central issue for people who are homeless or have been homeless. This creates a vicious cycle that too often prevents them from getting off the streets or returning to their former lives.

Solving the problem at its source

Focusing on a better knowledge and understanding of themselves by means of coaching, personal development and self-understanding tools, HuNeeds brings a concrete and adapted solution to people in need while taking into account their environment, their respective suffering, their individuality and their background.

The road to autonomy

HuNeeds responds to a need expressed by both beneficiaries and anti-poverty workers and has the real ambition to increase the autonomy and confidence of homeless people in order to get them out of the negative spiral in which they are immersed, thus maximizing the impact of other more traditional but nonetheless indispensable support services.

Ultimately, the goal of the trainings is to reintegrate these people into society through education, removing them from circles of vulnerability by decreasing inequalities and increasing opportunities. By providing vulnerable people with the keys to understanding themselves and developing true self-esteem, they can then truly take back the control of their lives and seize the opportunities for help that will allow them to get away from the stigma of the street while avoiding a “relapse”, often due to self-sabotage mechanisms.

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