We are proud to announce a new partnership between Semlex For Education and two Togolese associations : « Solidarité Mondiale pour les Personnes Démunies et les Détenus » (SMPDD) and « Maison d’Accueil des Enfants en Difficulté » (MAED). These organizations share our commitment to improving the living conditions of vulnerable populations in Togo, focusing on social inclusion, reintegration, and education.

SMPDD works toward a world where disadvantaged individuals and detainees benefit from better living conditions and see their human dignity respected. Through assistance services and socio-economic reintegration initiatives, the association is dedicated to transforming the lives of these individuals by working closely with various development actors. Their mission is not only to provide immediate support but also to create sustainable opportunities for these marginalized populations.

MAED, an initiative of SMPDD, is a newly opened center in Lomé dedicated to the reintegration of children in difficulty, particularly those in conflict with the law. This center provides a critical transition environment before their placement in foster families. In addition to accommodation, MAED offers medical, psychological, and educational support, preparing these young individuals for successful reintegration into society. This partnership with MAED aligns perfectly with our vision of contributing to inclusive education and a better future for all children.

By collaborating with SMPDD and MAED, Semlex For Education reaffirms its commitment to supporting local initiatives that work to improve the living conditions of the most vulnerable, while promoting their socio-economic integration through education and reintegration efforts.

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